London And The Global Energy Of Finance
This CRAN Activity View includes a list of packages useful for empirical function in Finance, grouped by topic.
I say ‘quasi-anthropological’ due to the fact it is not specifically like I approached it with a formal academic mindset, and I was never ever attached to an academic institution. There are specialist anthropologists like Karen Ho and Caitlin Zaloom who have carried out robust, ‘proper’ ethnographies of finance. My style was much looser, private, emotional, and adventurous, a surreal (and even mystical) attempt to bend boundaries. It was probably more akin to ‘ gonzo ‘ journalism than a careful application of anthropological technique, albeit I had no explicit objective to create about it.
What is important is not that Basic Motors, Edison, and the Rothschilds became wonderful and powerful it is that they began close to the bottom. No matter whether the penniless Prussian officer Siemens, or the half – deaf, …
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