IP Finance
I know what you’re thinking: How on earth would I be able to study, let alone rank, one hundred blogs? The answer is straightforward: I have a METHODOLOGY!… and it really is about as scientific as a model utilised to function out the value of a junk-bond backed CLO. Yes, I’ve taken one thing entirely subjective and added a spurious quantitative element to it. Offered that this is regular practice in the financial industry, there should be no dilemma.
There are signs that some academic macroeconomists are beginning to come to a related conclusion. In an additional post , Cochrane talks about attending a current macroeconomics conference, and how researchers are abandoning large, all-encompassing theories in favor of easier, much more targeted models created to explain certain concepts rather than predict the whole economy. And at the Fed, academically educated economists have flat-out refused to abandon their old-style SEMs. That …
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